Armor Upgrade Slots Gw2

4/11/2022by admin
This article is about the Human cultural armor chest piece. For the overview of the entire set, see Avenger's armor.
  1. Gw2 32 Slot Bag
  2. Armor Upgrade Slots Gw2 Lvl

Avenger's Armor

Most importantly, this include the option to unlock the Guild Vault, providing 50 storage slots shared by all members of the guild with sufficient privileges. When your guild levels up, additional upgrades will become available at the Tavern Proprietor, extending this space up to 250 slots. Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire. A game serial code for account creation or upgrade for the Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire expansion. Get immediate access to the core Guild Wars 2 game upon redemption of a Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire serial code and play today.

Armor class
Heavy armor
Avenger's armor
Avenger's Armor
Req. level
Req. race
Soulbound on Acquire
Item link
Skin link
Unused Upgrade Slot
Gw2 guild upgrade guide

— In-game description



The Upper CityDivinity's Reach2
-Armistice Bastion50 + 1
Eternal Battlegrounds
Blue Alpine Borderlands
Green Alpine Borderlands
Obsidian Sanctum (zone)
Red Desert Borderlands
50 + 1

Gw2 32 Slot Bag

Commander's (Tier 1)
Head • Shoulders • Chest • Hands • Legs • Feet
Avenger's (Tier 2)
Head • Shoulders • Chest • Hands • Legs • Feet
Protector's (Tier 3)
Head • Shoulders • Chest • Hands • Legs • Feet
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Armor Upgrade Slots Gw2

Upgrade components are items that are used to upgrade existing armor or weapons. They are applied by double clicking the upgrade item and then clicking once on the target item.

  • 1Game mechanics

Game mechanics[edit]

Armor Upgrade Slots Gw2
  • Upgrades are obtained by salvaging them from items that contain them, using an appropriate kit (specifically: a Perfect, Superior, Charr, or Expert Salvage Kit). Only items with an item rarity of blue or greater drop with upgrade components; the original item must be identified before any upgrades can be applied or salvaged.
  • Green weapons from any campaign cannot be upgraded with mods at all (exception: Keiran's Bow).
  • Noninscribable Wands, Foci and Shields from the Prophecies and Factions campaigns cannot be upgraded with any kinds of mods at all.
  • Most other items can be upgraded using a suffix component, e.g. staff wrappings, runes, or bow grips.
  • Those same items can usually also be upgraded with a prefix component, if they exist (e.g. staff heads, armor insignias).
  • Weapons from Nightfall, Eye of the North, from the end-chests in elite missions in Factions and the Hall of Heroes chest, and all PvP weapons are inscribable.
    • Inscriptions are color-coded to distinguish to which items they can be applied. These colors are shown in the table below.
  • All upgrades can be identified to increase their value before being sold to the merchant.
    • It is also worth salvaging upgrades from low-value weapons, because the minimum value of each upgrade is 25.
    • Some upgrades are very rare and can be traded to other players for far more than the merchant (or trade) value of the item itself.

There are numerous types of upgrade components:

Item typePrefixSuffixInscriptions
AxeAxe HaftAxe GripEquippable item,
Martial weapon
HammerHammer HaftHammer Grip
SwordSword HiltSword Pommel
DaggersDagger TangDagger Handle
ScytheScythe SnatheScythe Grip
BowBow StringBow Grip
SpearSpearheadSpear Grip
StaffStaff HeadStaff WrappingEquippable item,
Spellcasting weapon
Wand-Wand Wrapping
Shield-Shield HandleEquippable Item,
Focus item-Focus CoreEquippable Item,
Focus item


Armor Upgrade Slots Gw2

Prefix upgrades will add their own adjective before the name of the item you're upgrading. So for instance, if your character was wearing Tyrian Armor, adding a Radiant Insignia would change its name to Radiant Tyrian Armor.

Suffix upgrades will add their own adjective after the name of the item you're upgrading. For instance, adding a Rune of Minor Vigor to Canthan Armor would change its name to Canthan Armor of Minor Vigor.

Items dropped or upgraded with two components will display both names at once. If a player had a 'clean' (unmodified) sword, and added to it a Fiery Sword Hilt and a Sword Pommel of Fortitude, it would become a Fiery Sword of Fortitude.

While inscriptions do not affect the name of the item they modified, the inscription will be shown complete with its own name in the item's hover display.


Weapons found by role-playing characters that are at least uncommon will have at least one upgrade component attached. When these items are identified, their upgrade components are unlocked for PvP on your account. You can also choose to salvage out the upgrade components for use in other items.

Armor Upgrade Slots Gw2 Lvl

See also[edit]

Requirement • Swapping • Sets • Bonus
Axe • Sword
Spear • Wand
Daggers • Hammer • Scythe
Bow • Staff
Off-hand onlyFocus • Shield
TypesCaster • Martial
UpgradesBundles • Components • Inscriptions
Rewards • Inherent modifiers • Perfect
20/20 • 40/20/20 • 40/40
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