Igt Slot Machines How To Clear Codes
The tilt codes that you will run into are reset and cleared by opening and closing the machine door. Have fun with your slot machine and if you should have any questions or concerns, please contact us so we can help. Once again, we thank you for choosing us to make your purchase. Typically most problems with an IGT S+ slot machine are not cured with the use of a RAM clear chip, so only do the following procedure if you're sure you really need to do a full clear. Turn the machine's power off. Remove the coin tray and hopper. Locate the round knob on the silver MPU board tray that is behind the hopper.

Igt Slot Machines How To Clear Codes 20%

Igt Slot Machines Programming Codes
IGT S-Plus, S2000 or S2000 Vision
IGT model identification one machine is always confusing. They look so much alike that if you don’t know what to look for then you probably just guess or go by what someone tells you that it is. Many of the games are available in more than one model of machine so knowing which machine is which is important.

S-PLUS – There are 3 ways this machine can be identified. Usually these machines have six serial numbers on the right side The ‘Winner Paid’ and ‘Credits’ meters are to the left of the center of the reel glass. The also have the motherboard behind the hopper.
Igt Slot Machine Repair
- Code: description: directions -0- internal coin count meters erased: check nicad battery and/or power supply-1- coin-in jam, self cleared: check coin path, then push hopper reset and continue-2- coin-in switch jam: clear jam, check coin path, then continue: x3- reel x spinnin slow: pull handle for replay, notify maintenance if excessive.
- IGT S-PLUS CPU CLEAR AND BV SET UP CHIPS./w instructions. (CODE-61?), (CODE-43, REELS TURNING SLOW -WONT RESET, DEAD/REPLACED BATTERY ON CPU BOARD) if you own an IGT S-plus slot machine, you definetly need a set of these chips. (in case you need to clear the ram -or at least restart the bill acceptor.).
S-2000 – Almost any part of these machines can be upgraded, doors,bill and I think you can get different colored speakers. You can identify these by the long meter to the left of the reel glass, the serial number is seven numbers on the side or you may notice that these machines are capable of taking multiple denominations ($.25 or $.50) there reel glass will show these markings.
Igt Slots For Pc
Vision – The Vision games machines look identical to S-2000s except that the have a monitor on the upper glass and a plays a bonus game. The monitor appears flush with the glass and not bordered with lights.
Reel Touch – These machines have a round top and inset monitor with an lighted frame. These are 5 reel machines and the reels are back lit have five back-lit reels. The reel-touch are similar in appearance to the S- 2000 many of the internal parts are the same.
I-Plus – Typically you will find these as either a video slot or video poker. The Game King is an example of a multi-game machine built on the I-Plus platform. They are identifiable by their round top, large video display. The display is a touch screen and used to select the games