Yellow Ram Slots

4/14/2022by admin
  1. And actually, most of the advice I've seen here for all of the NF4 boards suggest that you at least start in the orange slots and work your way from there. My general rule of thumb has been vddr RAM, use the yellow slots. Vddr 3.0V to RAM use orange. Nothing scientific about it, just preconceived notion and observation.
  2. PCI-Express slots are generally colored black or dark gray or sometimes even yellow. They also feature a variety of sizes. Older expansion standards include PCI-X: The PCI Extended standard was developed to improve on PCI, but as a standard PCI-Express superseded it.

A memory slot, memory socket, or RAM slot allows RAM (computer memory) to be inserted into the computer. Most motherboards have two to four memory slots, which determine the type of RAM used with the computer. The most common RAM types are SDRAM and DDR for desktop computers and SODIMM for laptop computers, each having various types and speeds. The picture below is an example of what memory slots may look like inside a desktop computer. In this picture, there are three open and available slots for three memory sticks.

Yellow Ram Slots

When buying a new computer or motherboard, pay close attention to the types of RAM the memory slots can accept. Make sure you know exactly the type of RAM to buy for your computer. It is also important to note how many available memory slots are available in your computer. It is not uncommon for computers to have all memory slots occupied. If all slots are full and you want to upgrade the computer memory, you need to remove some or all of the existing memory.

The white slots are for extra RAM. But be aware if you fill all four slots it won't work like dual channel. So if you are wanting dual channel performance, you will want to buy two sticks of high capacity (like 1GB or 2GB) low latency (Latency is the amount of time it takes to access info to and from the RAM to the Northbridge/CPU) RAM.

Why are the memory slots different colors?

When a motherboard has different colored memory slots, it indicates the memory slots are dual-channel, and pairs of memory should be installed on the same channel (color). For example, a motherboard could have two yellow and two black memory slots. The yellow memory slots could indicate Channel A and Channel B could be indicated by the black slots. If you were only installing two memory sticks, you'd want to install both of them in Channel A (yellow slots) for optimal performance.


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Hi all and thanks for reading.
I am selling my iXtreme x6618 to my dad so i can build my own pc to which the sith lord has been most helpfull
The pc has 4gig of dual ram in it and can handle 8gig max, so as a gift i want to up the ram to 6gig so i will buy 2x2gig modules and keep 2 of the 1gig in there.
My question is the slots are blue yellow blue yellow. the ram is dual channel so how best should i put the different modules in
example ?
blue 2gig
yellow 1gig
blue 2gig
yellow 1 gig
blue 2 gig
yellow 2gig
blue 1 gig
yellow 1gig
? odd question i know but wanted to ask if it mattered.
btw the pc has Windows 7 ultimate 64 on it so would handle the 2gig upgrade.
Thanks for any advice offered.
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