F Zero X Slot Machine
after syfting through this tirelessly i must admit that the expansion kit is not hackable by a gameshark!
Good news everyone. I am going to rip the F-Zero machines' models. However some of them are missing textures so I will be using Ninja Ripper to get them one by one. Slot (with, w/o): a.k.a. 'Revenge Mode', this allows downed players from the action to get revenge by playing a slot machine that is energy deductant. Here are the combinations (A successful combination results in 'Bingo, hahahahahaha!' : 3 of (opponent)'s pic: Reduces their energy to 0 (1 crash kills!). I believe the machine order in the tier lists below is mostly agreed upon by top-10 F-ZERO X players. Regardless, I'd like to give a short explanation of how the in-game stats work, and how its importance comes into determining its potential for Time Attack. Body: The body of the machine determines the amount of energy a machine has got.
luckly this dump is online and i was able to go through the disassembly pretty substantually.
i do believe from what ive seen that if you just tell the game to load this/that it does it
soo knowing those hooks could help in the stretch to emulate
at the very least the expansion kit
you basically need a emulator to read/load/save at those
f-zero x has dd hook addresses
ex kit has f-zero x hook addresses
theres even addresses to idle the 64dd
i basically wanted to look at the disassembly to find something extra, something hidden.
all ive found really is the name 'ARBIN GORDON'

ofcourse thats 'the skull' s real name

theres also a mm gazelle listed
Slot Machines For Sale
(hopes for a diffrent character/car the original)
i found data string of the start of meny things:
---start of track data----
00AAA420 - mute city 1
00AAA643 - big foot
-- end ------
-- start of driver names--
00EF7180 - captian falcon
00EF7660 - arbin gordon
(im not listing everything!)
in the list of modes
gp mode
theres a listing of
00B09DCC -- EAD
this address could be that special ead endings music
Free Slots X 12
00AAD464 -- ddbgm_EAD demo bank_data_load

00AAD430 --ddbgm_machine editor_data_load
this seems to be the most interesting thing!!
could that mean custom cars where gonna be mario artist made??
and yes custom was spelled custum

in the f-zero x japan rom disassembly:
802D44E8 -- DEVIL'S FOREST 3
Slot Machine X 12
more to come.......